Riverview Junior School recognises that a healthy school is one that is successful in helping pupils to do their best, building on their achievements and where the children feel safe and happy. We promote physical and emotional health by providing accessible and relevant information, and equipping children with the skills and attitudes to make informed decisions about their health. We understand that healthy, happy children learn better, so raises levels of pupil achievements and standards within the school.
Therefore, we ensure that the healthy schools values are covered through different subjects in the curriculum across the school. Such as:
Healthy eating is big part of keeping a child healthy. Our kitchen provides well balanced meals and our lunchtime staff help encourage healthy food choices. The children took part in a sugar swap assembly last year, where they looked at the hidden sugars found in certain foods and healthier alternatives they could try. Below there are some useful links on how to ensure that your child has a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced packed lunch:
Over the past year, we have re-introduced a walking incentive, Trainer Tuesday, arranged themed assemblies and allowed the children to take part in a Healthy Schools week in the summer term to ensure that the healthy schools values were firmly embedded across the school.