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Riverview Junior School

Your Child's Attendance - Procedures



Just a quick reminder to parents that when your child is absent, we ask you to let us know by telephone (eg leaving a message on the absence line) each day of the absence and, when your child is well enough to return to school, we also ask you to send in a note confirming the reason.        


Alternatively, parents are encouraged to ‘text’ us via the school gateway and this text message also serves as written confirmation from you, so you don’t have to follow it up with a letter.  Without some form of  ‘written’ communication from you (either a letter or a text message)  we cannot authorise the absence.




If you have any queries about how we manage your child's attendance, please take a look at our information webpage below.  


Alternatively, please contact Solly-Kemp who will be happy to discuss it with you. smiley