Riverview Junior School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of pupils.
In order to achieve this we undertake to:
- provide a safe environment for children to learn in
- create a culture which recognizes and understands the importance of safeguarding, including listening to and discussing with children
- have systems and processes that ensure children are kept safe and allow for poor and unsafe practice to be challenged
- provide regular staff training to enable early identification of children who are suffering or likely to suffer harm, either at school or at home
- where there are grounds for concern about a child’s welfare, to initiate or take appropriate action to keep them safe
- ensure that all staff are fully aware of how to report any concerns over the protection, welfare and safeguarding of pupils
- promptly refer significant concerns to the local authority children’s social care services
- contribute to effective partnership working between all those involved with providing safeguarding services for children
- have recruitment procedures that support the safeguarding of children and prevent unsuitable people from working with them
The School follows the Kent Procedure for Safeguarding Children. Two members of staff are designated for the role of ‘Designated Safeguarding Lead’ within the school. They are Hayley Kotze and Sarah Jones. There are a further three members of staff who have deputy designated safeguarding lead roles. They are Aimee Gallyot, Samantha Ward and Jack Keen.
See our Child Protection Policy (link below) for more information: